Business Coaching That Works. Guaranteed.
Discover the simple 5 step formula that creates massive exponential growth for your business immediately.
Click below and learn how 700+ business owners consistently and predictably grow their customers, revenue and double their profits.

Education Driving Profits
Whether your goals are more sales or less stress, we’ll work together to create an easy to follow roadmap for your success!
One on One Coaching
Get the personal support and training you need to identify issues and design workable, profitable plans that solve problems and create opportunities.
Workshops and Events
Failing to plan is planning to fail. In the 90-Day JUMPSTART Workshop, you’ll create a step-by-step profit producing game plan for the next 90 days.
Sales and Marketing Training
Arm your sales and marketing teams with the strategies and tactics they need to achieve benchmarks that boost your revenue and their earnings.
Group Coaching
Join fellow business owners for dynamic monthly training sessions. Learn how to become the master of your business success with accountability and camaraderie.
Are you running your business or is it running you? Now you can invest time ON your business to spend less time IN your business.
Who Needs A Business Coach?
All great athletes have coaches. It’s the coach who hones an athlete’s talent, arming them with the skills they need to be the best they can be. It’s no different in business.
Whether the end game is setting a new world record in the 100 metre or doubling sales, the path to success is a combination of talent and planning. A business coach works with dedicated business owners to give them the tools, and teach them the skills they need achieve their goals.
If you’re a business owner who’s passionate about fixing problems, seizing opportunities and growing your business but just don’t know how to get there, you need a business coach.
What Difference Can A Business Coach Make?
A great business coach is a trusted teacher, valued advisor and honest friend. She or he has the education, experience and skill required to empower her clients to tackle issues and achieve results.

My clients understand that mastering their trade does not make them an expert in running their business. That’s where I come in. We work together to identify issues and design workable plans that solve problems and create opportunities.
If you can relate to any of the following issues, a business coach can help.
- I’m a slave to my business and my personal life is suffering.
- Employee turnover is high and I can’t figure out why.
- My business is surviving but not thriving.
- I think I need to hire more salespeople.
- The competition is stealing my customers.
- My accounts receivable is out of control.
- My sales team isn’t meeting benchmarks.
- Profits have been consistently dropping.
- I think I need to expand my product line to attract new customers.
- Cash flow is always an issue.
- It’s time to grow my business but I don’t know where to start.
How Exactly Does A Business Coach Work With Companies?

All great athletes have coaches. It’s the coach who hones an athlete’s talent, arming them with the skills they need to be the best they can be. It’s no different in business.
If you don’t know where you are, you can’t get to where you’re going.
Many business owners are masters at their craft but have no idea how to read a balance sheet or income statement. As simple as it sounds, step number one is understanding the state of your business today.
As a certified business coach, I employ the latest, proven methodologies backed by 30+ years of experience to get you and your business from goals to results. Our journey together follows a process that’s guaranteed to improve your bottom line—a process that’s helped almost 700 businesses and their owners from more than 30 industries.
Warning: Hard work ahead! If you’re serious about doing the work and are prepared to make difficult decisions, you’re ready for a business coach. A business coach is a teacher, not a preacher. I empower you with the tools and educate you on the skills required to make better, more informed decisions. We’re in this together.
About Paul
For 30 years I climbed the corporate ladder, I was responsible for $300-400M of business, sales training, sales management, 200+ employees and the bottomline. Then I went solo and doubled the sales of a few small companies and helped them sell for top dollar. For the past 14 years I have coached more than 700 businesses owners systematize their business and experience top profitability with a lot less stress.
Years of Experience
Business Owners Helped
Profit Generated
Hear It From The Businesses We've Helped...
In just four years, we’ve increased our revenue almost six fold and we credit Paul for showing us the way. When he came in, we had no processes in place, no concept of how to price properly and little focus on sales management.
Joe G

Paul showed us how to increased our profit margins by 92.8% which added an additional $201,138 of profit in one year!
Roy R

An absolute Godsend... what I've been missing this whole time. Thank You Paul.
Keren C

Working with Paul has helped me stay focused and double my profits over the previous year.
Jim A

Paul teaches how to make good business decisions based on the facts. He then holds you accountable to those decisions and makes sure you reach your goals. If you don’t, he helps you go through and find out why.
Cam G

When I first met Paul Thornhill and his team, we were one bad month away from closing our doors. They taught us about key elements of business retention and time management. After 6 months, we recorded our highest grossing month ever!
Chris S

When we started working with Paul, we had very little training or knowledge about finances. Paul has pushed me and challenged me to take a closer look at our numbers, and through this we have been able to set up systems to help us make more intelligent decisions as we grow.
Paul also was instrumental in helping us set up a sales process and implement tracking measures for our sales team.
Through all of our interactions, Paul has been professional and respectful of the culture and values here. He has a wealth of knowledge and experience, and helps lead us to decisions, but leaves the final say in our hands. If things don’t go according to plan, he has a way of peeling back the layers and really diving into the details of what happened.
We sincerely thank Paul for helping us navigate the substantial growth that we have experienced, with a positive and profitable outcome.
Laverne M

My business could not run without me. I hadn’t taken a vacation in 3 years. With just one month of coaching we effectively organized and documented our business processes for my team so that they could run the business without me.
This enabled me to take a very special vacation. I took my daughter to Europe to visit my grandmother, whom I hadn’t seen in years. We were there for nearly a month!
I should also add all this happened at a time we were experiencing record profits.
Stephen C

Since 2013 I have relied on Pauls weekly advice. He's an invaluable part of our business. His extensive experience and ability to think outside the box raise my level of thinking about critical and everyday issues.
Merlin M

Very valuable for those who are prepared for massive growth.
Murray C
Business Coaching That Works. Guaranteed.
My clients are pretty great at what they do, whether it’s providing legal counsel, accounting services, plumbing, masonry.... So if they’re such highly skilled professionals, why do they need someone like me?
Mastering a trade does not make you an expert in running your business. And that’s where I come in.
For the past 30 years I’ve helped almost 700 organizations ranging from multi-million dollar corporations to small business owners understand, improve and ultimately, grow their businesses.
- The leasing company that almost tripled its revenue to over $40 million in three years.
- The advertising firm that’s projected to do $4 million this year, up from $600 thousand in three years.
- The small software company who got acquired within one year of us working together.
As a certified business coach, I sit down with you to understand your challenges and turn them into opportunities.
We’ll get under the hood of your business to address issues such as, under-performing sales teams, stagnant growth, low profit margins and ineffective marketing campaigns. Whether in the boardroom or the break room, I’ll empower you with winning strategies and teach you the methodology to meet your business goals.